Vineyard Preteen

Vineyard Preteen is for students in 4-6th grade.

We help students take the next step in their faith and discipleship after they move up from Vineyard Kids with a service designed just for them. Each week there are games, prayer, teaching, and discussion on how God’s word applies to and impacts their lives. We also host a retreat every year, just for the preteens, and several fun events sprinkled in there as well.

Vineyard Preteen also helps prepare students for Vineyard Youth by helping them establish relationships with students and leaders as they learn how fun and meaningful it is to grow their faith in community with others. In fact, our leaders for Vineyard Preteen are often leaders in Vineyard Youth. This is important to us and our students and means they have leaders they can trust and rely on and will be there as they make their from 4th grade all the way through graduation. (They grow up so fast!)

Preteen services happen during our Sunday morning services at 9:15 am and 11:00am. They meet in the Preteen Room in our church building at 1225 William Blount Drive.

Vineyard Youth

Vineyard Youth is for students in 6-12th grade.

We have lots of large group fun and small group discipleship! Our goal is to provide students a safe place where they feel seen and loved and can explore the Christian faith. We hope they learn not just what we believe and why we believe it, but to know Christ personally, grow in their relationship with Him, and make Him known to others. We encourage students to bring friends and we plan all of our gatherings with that in mind. We love making new friends!

Throughout the school year, we meet at the church on Wednesday nights from 7-8:30pm. During the summer, we meet in small groups at host homes and pools throughout the county.

We also have retreats, camps, service opportunities, and other events throughout the year.


Contact one of our student pastors today.

Lilly Johnson
Lilly JohnsonYouth and Preteen Pastor
Ben Callison
Ben CallisonYouth and Young Adults Pastor